Of all of the interesting underground producers on the scene right now, none sticks out like DJ Rozwell. His abrasive, hypnotic sound cements in the memory of San Luis Obispo High School Students in a way not too many modern musicians have the ability to.
“[He has created] some of the most beautifully disgusting sounds I’ve ever had the joy of consuming,” said senior Bodhi Clancy.
Even if the name DJ Rozwell doesn’t ring a bell, the word Erratas might. The alternate reality game (ARG) became very popular on YouTube for its mysterious storyline, centering around the instant firing of employees who searched the term “Erratas.” There are many YouTube videos breaking down the interesting story and how it relates to “Jurassic Park,” as well as one of Rozwell’s side projects, KFC Murder Chicks.
Expressions was able to get in contact with Rozwell for an interview regarding his music, collaborators, and Erratas.
Expressions: Who are you and what do you do?
DJ Rozwell: I am DJ Rozwell, and I make music.
Expressions: Has releasing music without a label affected the spread of your music, as it is on all digital formats? Or has the internet made it easier for your brand of creepy psych/noise beats to be spread?
Rozwell: I originally just went the no-label route because I didn’t know the first thing about getting on one. Later on a few labels did approach me, and I ended up having a pretty unlikable experience with the process. In the end it’s easier because I don’t know business stuff and it’s easier not to have to deal with it.
Expressions: What is your creative process regarding finding the samples that you use in your tracks, and how do you work them into the tones of your albums?
Rozwell: I watch a lot of documentaries. There are more free ones on youtube than you could ever watch in your lifetime. I like to make clips of sounds and parts from songs that interest me and keep them. Eventually, when I begin to notice a pattern, I realize where my album is going to go theme-wise. And then I put a ton of effects on them.
Expressions: Of all physical formats to put your music on, you chose cassette tapes. What led you to this decision?
Rozwell: My parents were kind of late adopters to the digital era. My mom and dad own, like, six-thousand cassettes—VHS, betamax tapes— and have maybe thirty CDs between them. The process of committing a sound to magnetic tape is just very fascinating— very kinetic, physical, and satisfying to me. A CD feels more formal and business-like and a little less fun to me. I am going to be making more tapes soon.
Expressions: What was “Erratas” ARG, for readers who aren’t familiar?
Rozwell: There are some videos online that lay it all out and explain it, and they get it mostly right.
Expressions: Has the large amount of YouTube coverage on the ARG caused a boost in the KFC Murder Chicks popularity as well as your own?
Rozwell: You would think, but not really. That’s the big lesson I learned: there’s not much overlap between people who like weird fake mysteries, and people who like that type of music. But the people who actually stuck around and dig the KFC Murder Chick’s music are so awesome and so friendly—and often musicians themselves—and that connection to me is way more important than plays,buzz,popularity, or any of that stuff.
Expressions: You’ve worked with artist Wizardsonly in the past, specifically on your album “Murder Burger,” but they don’t seem to have any online presence. Is there any other music they have released or any other names they can be found under online?
Rozwell: This is a tough one. Wizardsonly is just one dude; he’s an extremely talented, proficient vocalist, lyricist, great guy, and just the easiest dude to collaborate with. We never met in person and made all those tracks over email. I was like, ‘This track has a weird time signature, can you rap over it?’ and the next day he sends me the finished vocals, and he just ate it for breakfast. That album would not exist if it weren’t for him. He would give input on the beats, gas me up, and helped me stay motivated when my opinion of my music and my abilities was very low at the time. I haven’t heard from him in a long time, like four years, but I won’t speculate, and I’d respect him if he doesn’t want to do music anymore. I hope he’s well.
Expressions: Do you have any plans on releasing new music during this worldwide break from basically everything?
Rozwell: Absolutely. I am quarantining, and the gyms are closed so I am working on music constantly. Some of it is really weird.
After reading this interview, it is highly recommended to check out a YouTube video explaining Erratas, and give Dj Rozwell’s music a listen.