Following the recent destruction of room 307 at San Luis Obispo High School, Expressions talked with computer science teacher Jan Fetcho about how she is dealing with the aftermath.
Expressions: How do you feel about the robbery and the fire?
Computer Science teacher Jan Fetcho: Awful, appalled, and a bit afraid.
Expressions: If you had the chance to talk with the perpetrators, what would you want to tell them?
Fetcho: I would ask why? What did I do that angered you so much? Why could you not just direct your anger at me? Why did you feel you needed to destroy the hard work of the other students?
Expressions: What were some of the most important things taken or lost to the fire?
Fetcho: Everything with a price tag can be replaced. We can’t get back the hours spent working on robots and other projects in that room. And there are a few personal things that I will never see again, like my mother’s mechanical pencil and sharpener.
Expressions: How will this affect classes and the club in the future?
Fetcho: Well, for the foreseeable future we will be in room 507. Eventually, current Measure D plans show a new robotics and computer room in the room in the 400 building.
Expressions: What is the plan for the computer lab long term after the fire?
Fetcho: Under Measure D, that room is to become a computer lab for the science classes and other classes that are up in the 300 area. I imagine they will just start working on it sooner than expected.
Written by reporters Shannon Donahue and Zane Leslie.