As students and staff of the San Luis Obispo community were enjoying their summers, various San Luis Obispo High School student-athletes were at school preparing for the various sports seasons that are starting up again this fall. These sports include; cross country, girls, and boys water polo, girls and boys basketball, girls volleyball, girls tennis, varsity football, junior varsity football, and girls golf. Expressions set out to inquire fall sport student-athletes about their thoughts on summer training.
“My summer training schedule usually involves a training clinic, which also includes tryouts. I definitely think that summer training is beneficial because without practice, you won’t improve, while others around you will. My favorite thing about summer training is knowing I don’t have school to worry about, meaning, I can spend most of my free time getting better instead of studying or doing homework. The only thing I don’t like about summer training would be waking up early, but that happens very rarely,” said sophomore Varsity Volleyball Player Marina Warren.
“My summer training schedule was mainly during the week so that players got the weekend to recover. The coaches were pretty good about giving players the time they need to recuperate and be kids. I think that summer training is very beneficial because it is time to get the basics of what you need for the upcoming season. It is also a time to create bonds with teammates. My favorite thing about summer training is keeping fit during a time that I would usually be as lazy as possible, but also making friendships with teammates. My least favorite thing about summer training is that it is hard. It’s always hot and you know that everyone else gets to sleep in,” said junior Varsity Basketball and Football player Thomas Cole.
“My summer training schedule was Monday through Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Every Wednesday, we had a tournament with Arroyo Grande. In total, we had five games on the weekends, and then one away tournament in Shaver Lake. Summer training is extremely beneficial because, especially if you have a fall sport, the training sticks with you. Since water polo is now in the fall, the training is really important because it definitely gives you a leg up on everybody else. My favorite thing about summer training was team bonding. It gives you a better opportunity to make stronger bonds with your friends. My least favorite thing about summer training was when we had tournaments in the morning. If you wanted to do something, you were sometimes unable to because you had to train or had a tournament,” said senior Varsity Water Polo Player Erin Denny.
As SLOHS dives into the new school year, there are high hopes for fall sports outcomes.