The day “Cool Math Games” was blocked. Photo courtesy of freshman Eric Ozuna Basilio.
Many students at San Luis Obispo High School have heard of the website “Cool Math Games” and have played during lunch, or in class when available. But on February 23, 2024, San Luis Coastal Unified School District finally had enough of students using this website, and decided to block it from everyone’s chromebooks.
Expressions decided to interview students on their thoughts about “Cool Math Games” and how they feel about it getting blocked.
Expressions: How do you feel about “Cool Math Games” getting blocked?
Freshman Cassius Dowler: Honestly I didn’t really expect the website to get blocked but it makes sense since the teachers disliked it so much.
Freshman Marley Camarena: It can be good but now what am I going to do for entertainment?
Freshman Andrew Black: They did the right thing, but at some point students are going to find replacements.
Expressions: What game did you play the most?
Dowler: I played chess most of the time, or hangman which was pretty fun too.
Camarena: I loved playing the “Papa’s Pizzeria” video game franchise, super fun.
Black: I enjoyed playing the “Fire Boy and Water Girl” series with my classmates, we would always fail somehow but it had super funny moments.
Expressions: Who told you about the website?
Dowler: I remember my friend telling me when we were on our chromebooks, he was playing hangman too!
Camarena: My teacher told us about it during our class I think in second grade.
Black: My older brother told me about it since he had many friends who played it during quarantine and stuff.
“Cool Math Games” definitely had students in shock when it was taken away, but remember, Tigers, it’s education first that is really important!