San Luis Obispo High School Theater Department is putting on Coffee Night this Friday, April 19 from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Seniors Hannah Peterson and Kaylee Beardsley are hosting this event. Coffee Night is a variety show with funny skits in between, and students are going to be performing. Admission is five dollars and there will be free coffee provided. Expressions interviewed some performers from the show to learn more.
Expressions: What makes Coffee Night different from any other show?
Sophomore Sydney Pflegl: It is something that you don’t have to fill out a form for like other shows. Also, you’re not performing in front of the whole school like open mic, and it is open to the public.
Senior Kaylee Beardsley: It’s more of a talent show than a play, and it is written, directed, and performed entirely by students.
Expressions: How many acts are there going to be?
Senior Hannah Peterson: There are 11 acts total, but some performers will doing more than one act.
Expressions: What are you most excited about?
Peterson: I’m super excited about the skits in between. Kaylee Beardsley and I are playing Sherlock and Watson in this British-themed murder mystery. It’s going to be really fun!
Beardsley: Actually performing in front of an audience!
Expressions: How long have you been a part of drama?
Pflegl: I have been a part of the San Luis Obispo High School Drama for two years.
Peterson: Since my freshman year.
Beardsley: I’ve been involved at SLOHS drama since junior year, but I’ve been doing theater outside of school since I was six or seven.
Expressions: What are you specifically doing in the show on Friday night?
Pflegl: I am going to be singing a song with my sister.
Peterson: Other than hosting and acting, I’m also singing a traditional Irish song with two other people.
Beardsley: I’m singing two songs by the Cranberries with Joella Holmes and Alec West.