San Luis Obispo High School teachers have one of the hardest jobs in America. Day after day they deal with kids like me who think they are entitled to the knowledge stashed inside their teacher brains. Fortunately for teachers, students don’t go to school all year… Teachers get summers off in the shape of unpaid vacations. But what do teachers do with all this free time? Believe it or not, teachers hang out with each other in the ‘off season.’ SLOHS teachers Ryan Perez, Gregory Ross, Scott Nairne, and Seamus Perry are embarking on a four day backpacking trip to the infinite realm of Sequoia National Forest.
Expressions: Who are you most excited to spend time with on the trip?
English teacher Scott Nairne: Well, in the summertime I don’t really hang out with anybody from work except Mr. Stewart. So I’m looking forward to spending time with all three of those guys.
Mathematics teacher Ryan Perez: That’s a tough one, It’s very close between all three, but I’d have to say Nairne.
Government Teacher Seamus Perry: Well it’s a close call between Nairne, Ross, And Perez. I feel like Ross will have some good stories to tell, but I think Nairne in the woods is going to be kind of like a creature in its natural habitat, and should be interesting to watch.
Economics Teacher Gregory Ross: I am most excited to spend time with all the guys going on the trip.
Expressions: How old are you?
Nairne: 45 years old.
Perez: 26 years old.
Perry: 37.
Ross: 36.
Expressions:Who is going to be the least prepared on the trip?
Nairne: Well I know that Perry will be really prepared, I’ll be coming off of a five day vacation
with my wife… I will be more than likely the least prepared.
Perez: Backpacking wise, I think I will be the least prepared. Physical shape wise, I think Nairne will be the least prepared.
Perry: Probably Ross, I think it’s been awhile since he has been backpacking.
Ross: Scott Nairne.
Expressions: Is ‘Scotty Boi’ Nairne going to slow down the group?
Nairne: Yea, they are definitely going to wait for me. We will probably meet at the end of the day when they already have camp set up and i’ll be the guy that comes in last asking if dinner is ready.
Perez: I think he will complain a lot, but he will not slow us down.
Perry: No, I think I will slow down the group the most.
Ross: (chuckles) He will absolutely slow down the group, We will probably leave him behind to get eaten by bears.