This spring, an overwhelming number of San Luis Obispo High School girls will hopefully swim their way to another league title. Over one hundred girls are currently signed up for the program, and with only one pool amongst both boys and girls teams, things could get a little tricky.
“I think having more people will make our team stronger because bigger numbers equal a more intimidating team,” said varsity swimmer and sophomore Bella Garritano.
However, the great number of swimmers could pose as a problem to Sinsheimer Pool.
“We are probably going to change our practice schedule to accommodate for so many people, but otherwise I think it will work out great,” said varsity swimmer and junior Clare Dooley.
Seeing that this year’s roster features a large number of incoming freshman girls, the team will most likely be overwhelmed by a crowd of inexperienced swimmers but also perhaps a few hidden gems.
“Don’t sign up for swim as a way of getting out of PE.This is way harder than any PE class you could take,” said Garritano in warning to newcomers.
With strong varsity leaders and coaches, newcomers who are there to work hard and compete should be excited for their first season of SLOHS swim.
“Come to every practice and do your best; eventually your hard work will pay off,” said Dooley.