Within the ninth grade of San Luis Obispo High School, dreams abound. No, not dreams in the sense of “wishes” or “aspirations”–no no no–but the kind that people have while asleep.
Dreams are weird.
For example, one might have a dream where Brendan Frasier is in an ad for a yogurt company called something like “Funky Monkey” that doesn’t actually exist. In the commercial Frasier might be relaxing at the beach when a monkey pulls his pants down, causing him to turn around and say “Huh?” in a goofy way. Such a dream could stay in the dreamer’s head even a decade after it happened–a hypothetical situation, of course.
Famous turn-of-the-century psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud hypothesized that dreams were expressions of one’s deepest desires and repressed conflicts.
However, modern scientists are of the opinion that dreams are just the brain processing memories from the previous day. Not a window into the depths of the mind; just the brain deciding which experiences were insignificant and should go in short-term memory and which were significant and should go in long-term memory.
Most everything about dreams, however, is still a mystery. Raphael Vallat, a neuroscientist at UC Berkeley, described dreaming as, “one of the last frontiers in our understanding of the human mind.”
So, prepared with this new knowledge and putting aside the fear of exposing one’s deepest, darkest psyche, it’s now time to discover the best dreams that SLOHS freshmen have to offer.
Freshman Alondra Tafolla: Something vivid I’ve dreamt multiple times is that I was able to fly to any country/state or anywhere I wanted to go. I just said the place and I would end up there. It has a meaning for me because I had dreamt this at the beginning of the year, hoping I was able to travel and I’ve had the opportunity to fly to Texas seven times this year already! I’ve also had many opportunities to visit many places!
Freshman Chance Evans: I had this dream twice when I was super little where I woke up thinking I was superman. It was weird and very real so I woke up in the middle of it and started running around outside at like one in the morning. This obviously has no significance because I’m not superman.
Freshman Sam Allen: I had a recurring dream where I was in a large apartment building and each level was really weird and had a different theme and there was always an arcade that was super futuristic and that’s where I went each time in my dream and also somehow I really remember each part of this dream and part was going to a supermarket in the building.
Freshman Faith Hartford: I have been having dreams about tornados. Which is so weird because I have only watched tornado videos a couple of times. I don’t think this has a meaning or importance to it. It’s just weird and scary.
Sources: Time.com Discovermagazine.com