When we first heard about the closure of schools in our nation, many students hoped that San Luis Obispo High School would also close campus. On Friday, March 13, many students’ dreams came true: the district shut down schools until April 15. This meant that there would be almost five weeks without in-person classes and included in that five weeks would be spring break. As time went on more public places in our nation began to close due to the spread of COVID-19 which led to our school being closed till further notice. This left students stuck at home wishing to go back to school.
Now that we have experienced homeschooling, students have benefited by the pros of not attending school on a daily basis, myself included. I have found that I am learning the skill of time management and getting into a schedule. Being able to choose the activities I do everyday, school included, has helped me and many other students mature for adulthood.
“I have benefited greatly during this time. Balancing school with my home life was difficult at first, but I have gotten the hang of it. The hardest thing for me when we first started online learning was being motivated everyday to get my work done,” said Junior Casandra Monroy.
Monroy brings up a great point, it is very difficult to stay motivated during these times. Especially for students who enjoyed school. But, something we can do is spend more time doing activities that bring us joy. Being able to exercise and hike on a regular basis has helped many students through this time.
“I have used this time to hike almost every day. I have also spent a considerable amount of time with my family which has been wonderful. Having this time to go outside and hike with my mom brought me closer to her and this wouldn’t have happened if we didn’t shut down the schools.” said Junior Nayah Holmes.
Spending time with family can be a huge benefit for people during this time. Another benefit is that the lack of school allows students to be more flexible with work schedules. Not all students work, but for those who have a job having this time allows them to balance schoolwork and a job.
It is upsetting that our nation is suffering in this global pandemic. However, it is so very important to remember the positive things we have learned during this time. If it were up to me I think we should try online learning as a permanent option for students.