Who Will be Next as ASB Adviser?
Assistant Student Body Adviser and campus wide phenomenon, James Johnson will soon be giving up his position as San Luis Obispo High School ASB Adviser. The impact Johnson has made on this campus cannot go unnoticed and is seen through each and every student on campus. As Johnson’s reign as king of ASB comes to an end, Expressions reflect on his accomplishments as well as who will be crowned next.
“I have been an ASB Adviser for eight years at SLOHS. I’ve been an ASB Adviser in middle school and high school at Mesa Middle School and Nipomo High School, and another for a total of twenty-five years. One of my biggest accomplishments regarding SLOHS, because it’s different for others there are a lot of accomplishments, but for this school it’s hard to say, but I think that I helped change the culture of ASB at SLOHS. It changed from a culture of I am in it for myself, to a culture of I am in it for everyone else. There’s some small things like I really love students of the month BBQ’s and ASB plays music. I think it sets the tone and we established a tradition. When I first joined SLOHS as ASB Adviser only thirty people wanted to join, now seventy people want to make the school a better place,” said Johnson.
Johnson has not only had many accomplishments at SLOHS but he looks forward to the accomplishments of the next ASB Adviser and SLOHS English teacher Craig Stewart.
“Stewart has been chosen to take my place. He has been chosen because he wanted to do the job, which was really important. It’s a hard job so you want someone who wants to do it. A lot of other schools don’t have an ASB director who wants to do it. He’s also very spirited. He’s a diehard SLOHS fan. He was also the ASB director about fifteen years ago before he had kids. I am super excited for it, he’s the senior advisor and he does an amazing job. He and I will work together this year during third period ASB,” said Johnson.
As Expressions wraps up on Johnson’s incredible run as SLOHS ASB Advisor, we asked one last question. What will you miss most about being an ASB advisor and what advice do you have for Mr. Stewart?
“What I will most like is the strong connections I have with the ASB students and how hard and closely we work together. Between our overnight retreats, rally nights, and classroom days we spend a lot of time together. I love their ideas, I’ll miss that a lot. The advice I have for Mr. Stewart, well there will be a lot, but that’s why we’re working together. I want him to take it to the next level with his ideas and what he wants to do,” said Johnson.
It’s safe to say Johnson has impacted SLOHS campus in an outrageously positive way. Aside from being ASB Advisor, he is a role model for all students on campus. His ability to be compassionate, driven and selfless pushes students to be their best and leaves them walking out of the classroom, a better student and person.