Students and Athletes of San Luis Obispo High are OFFICIALLY converting to online learning for the rest of the school year. While some students may be enjoying this change, others including three sport senior athlete, Emilio Corona are not.
Expressions decided to interview Corona to see how COVID-19 has affected his last senior baseball season.
Expressions: What three sports do you play and how long have you been playing those sports?
Senior Emilio Corona: I have played football, basketball, and baseball. I played as a quarterback, point guard, and center field. I’ve played football for seven years and basketball and baseball my whole life.
Expressions: What school are you committed to and for which of your sports?
Corona: I am committed to the University of Washington for baseball.
Expressions: How has quarantine made it different, easier or more difficult to train for baseball especially since you’re going to play for the University of Washington?
Corona: Quarantine has made my training different because I can’t play anymore games for high school and basically just have to work myself out so it’s a lot different.
Expressions: What do you do at home to train or workout?
Corona: At home I try to lift and hit in my cage almost everyday to get ready to play in Washington.
Expressions: What has been the hardest part about not being able to play your sport this last season?
Corona: The hardest part about not being able to play my senior year in baseball is not being around the guys everyday and creating those bonds and memories that we carry with each other for the rest of our lives.