“Every living creature on this earth dies alone” Said Roberta Sparrow from Donnie Darko.
For those who do not know, Nihilism is “the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.” This is also known as simply not caring. As a sophomore, all I can ask is, “Why?” You are pretty much one year away from being done with high school. Once you get past all the hard work, you can do almost anything you want. Some seniors just give up at the start of their senior year just because “It’s their senior year” I personally (as a sophomore) have already given up, but, for the sake of this article, I’ll Write it as a sophomore with plenty of motivation and energy.
Some seniors can live up to their parent’s expectation, but choose not to their final year.
Some seniors have earned straight A’s all three years of high school, and just completely screw off their last year, knowing they are getting into college. This, from my fake point of view, is redonkulous. “Hey man if they want to waste their life by failing all their classes and juuling non-stop then that’s their prerogative.” Said sophomore and nihilist Carmen Silver.
When You choose not to participate, just to test your ability of choice and free will as an adult, then, in reality you are just conforming to standards of seniors that don’t do anything. So, as a sophomore writing to all seniors that want to be rebels, by not doing their work, good job. You conformists. And to you seniors who don’t do anything for no reason because there is no point (previously aforementioned nihilists) good luck in college or wherever you are headed. You’ll need it.