Drawing provides an outlet for people to map out their mental images of the world around us. It is a way for individuals to convey personal expression. Artists give insights into their thoughts and feelings through their drawings, and being able to express what you feel elevates your emotional intelligence as an individual.
Some students at San Luis Obispo High School feel most at ease when drawing. Creating something from nothing makes people feel productive. Being present in the moment and focusing on a drawing can provide a feeling of tranquility to the artist. Expressions interviewed sophomore Olivia Dong about her passion for drawing.
Expressions: How long have you been drawing?
Sophomore Olivia Dong: I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember. It’s always been my primary hobby.
Expressions: Did anyone inspire you to grow your artistic ability?
Dong: My sister was always very artistic, so she was a really big role model for me.
Expressions: Where do you find your inspiration?
Dong: My inspiration often comes from whatever emotions I happen to be feeling, I try to portray that emotion in my art.
Expressions: Do you think art will be a part of your future?
Dong: Art will definitely play a large role in my career, but I’m not sure how yet. I don’t think I’ll be a professional artist, but probably something art related.
Expressions: What kind of messages do your art pieces display?
Dong: My artwork this year has been focused on mental illness and the emotions evoked by them. I’ve taken my experiences and emotions and tried to put them in images so that they are easier to understand.