Summer is a wonderful time for many San Luis Obispo High School students. Freedom from tests, homework, studying, and seven hour school days allows for more time spent relaxing, adventuring, and hanging out with friends. While it’s a wonderful time for many, summer can have it’s difficulties as well.
The free time that many love and cherish can sometimes manifest as boredom when off-duty students don’t know how to spend their time. For some, this can cause depression to deepen; for others, it can cause stress or feelings of loneliness.
Mental health is something we should constantly be aware of. It is also something we should be constantly fighting to end the stigma around so that those who struggle can ask for the help they need. Over the summer, it’s important to practice mental hygiene so that you can stay mentally healthy.
“Mental hygiene is keeping your mind healthy,” said Sophomore Analiese Feuerstein. It is a simple concept, yet one often overlooked. Just like we try to eat a balanced diet, move our bodies, and get enough sleep to maintain our physical health, we must do similar things to take care of our minds. This could include writing in a journal, practicing yoga, drawing— anything that helps center you and aids you in working through the difficulties of life.
“I make sure to get a lot of exercise and spend time with people that make me happy so I keep my mind engaged and enjoy my life,” says sophomore Hannah Haas. Maintaining an active lifestyle and participating in activities with others can positively impact your mood and make you feel connected with others. Spending time outside can also help boost your mood.
It is also important to mindful of others. Make sure to be kind to everyone this summer, and all year round. You never know what someone else is going through, something as simple as flashing a smile or asking someone to hang out can make a big difference.