Earlier this week, thousands of dollars worth of technology was stolen from the computer lab of San Luis Obispo High School computer science teacher Jan Fetcho.
Two days later, former SLOHS students Jacob Ruth, Cameron Bratcher, and Michael Benadiba set fire to Fetcho’s room, 307. As of 12:30 a.m. Thursday morning, the room was completely engulfed in flames and everything inside was destroyed. The local fire department was quick to respond, and managed to suppress the fire before other surrounding classrooms were also affected.
The technology room and its expensive contents including robotics, laptops, computers, and 3D printers are all considered to be lost in the fire. You can help out by donating to their Go Fund Me page. As of this writing, the campaign has raised $13,490, surpassing the original goal of $7,500.
“This [Go Fund Me] is going to give us an opportunity to start over, and with all of the generous donations from the community, which will be doubled for robotics at least, we can start from scratch on all of our projects and get better things to work with this time around,” said senior Cole Coward.
Additionally, local technology repair company IFixIt has pledged to match any donation made on the Go Fund Me page.
Written by reporters Shannon Donahue and Zane Leslie.