Senior Caroline Petithomme has a perplexing last name and a fancy new title. Next year, Petithomme will be San Luis Obispo High School’s Associated Student Body President. To reach this position, she first had to be nominated as an officer by the students then chosen as president by last year’s executive council. Petithomme will take over responsibility last year’s ASB President, SLOHS graduate Bella Stenvall. Seniors Cami Love, Kannan Freyaldenhoven, and Mark Olson will take over as vice president, secretary, and treasurer next year. These students will be in charge of rallies, dances, school spirit, meetings, and finances. Expressions interviewed next year’s ASB President to see what her plans are for the 2016-2017 school year.
Expressions: What does your new position entail?17
Senior President Caroline Petithomme: My position entails running the ASB meetings, attending school board meetings, and helping lead the ASB class and my school.
Expressions: What are you planning to do or improve for the school next year?
Petithomme: I’m planning on continuing the involvement of the special education department as well as trying to involve all areas of the school population. I also want to bring in more of the community to gain recognition for more serious issues that we deal with, like mental health awareness week and more.
Expressions: Do you want to continue doing leadership in the future?
Petithomme: I do plan on being involved in leadership roles in the future. I would love to be part of ASI [Associated Student Inc.] at Cal Poly, or part of the student body wherever I attend college.