Following rapper 21 Savage’s recent arrest and scheduled deportation by the I.C.E. (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), many students at San Luis Obispo High School have wondered about the rapper’s future and why it took this long for him to finally get his Visa checked. The artist has been living illegally in the United States since 2006 when his temporary Visa expired. Only now has 21 Savage been incarcerated for his extended occupancy. This begs the question, why now?
Senior Casey Hoadley has a theory.
“It seems like a bit of a coincidence that Brexit just happened and now the Brits are reclaiming their property. I’m thinking that, since they’re now separated from the E.U., the British want to get a leg up and have something nobody else has,” said Hoadley.
Hoadley’s conspiracy theory is quite convincing, especially when Savage’s bank account is involved. With all of the publicity, cool tattoos, and wads of cash that 21 Savage owns, England will definitely seem like a more enticing place with him in it.
If this turns out to be true, Expressions called it first.