The Best Buddies Club here at San Luis Obispo High School is directed towards students looking to help their peers with mental disabilities. It is a non-profit organization that is “dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities,” said the Best Buddies International website. Expressions interviewed club members senior Lily Svetich and freshman Makenna Siebenlist to figure out more details about the club.
Expressions: Tell us about this organization.
Senior Lily Svetich: We started one year ago. Our students are paired up with people who have disabilities. We do activities once a month, like going to a football game together. It’s about developing friendships and getting to know other people.
Expressions: Why do you think students should participate in the club?
Svetich: We think any student should be included in an activity with others and getting to know people on campus. People should participate in the club if they’re interested in developing a friendship with others who are also looking for a friend.
Expressions: When and where does the club meet?
Svetich: We meet once a month, usually on Tuesdays in either room 802 or another room. We also have meetings once a month in different locations. Sometimes we go to football games, or we go bowling together.
Expressions: Why did you join this club?
Freshman Makenna Siebenlist: I joined the club because I want to meet more people and become friends with more kids with special needs. I’ve gotten to know a few, and they’re the sweetest people ever! I’m super excited for this year!
Expressions: What are you looking forward to this year?
Siebenlist: I’m excited to make more friends and become closer to more people with special needs.
Expressions: How do you think what you’re doing will impact students with special needs? How do you think this will help these students in the club?
Siebenlist: I think that it will be a good impact on them because they’ll also be able to interact and become friends with more people, so I feel like they’ll have fun too!