With a student body of over sixteen hundred, many San Luis Obispo High School students don’t receive the recognition that some of their peers do. Expressions’ new “Sixty Second Student Spotlight” is an easy, quick way to get to know a new SLOHS student each week with the same five recurring questions. This week, Expressions talked to senior band member Micah Kim to get his opinion on cults and worms.
Expressions: If you were a worm, how long would you be?
Senior Micah Kim: Three centimeters. I imagine myself to be a small worm, and long worms are grosser in my opinion.
Expressions: What’s the best lie you’ve successfully told?
Kim: Replying “yeh.” to my mother after she asked if I was doing homework.
Expressions: If you could bankrupt any person, company, country, or organization, who would it be and why?
Kim: I’ve heard that Nestle was pretty unethical, so probably them. They’d be replaced anyway so I can’t think of too many repercussions.
Expressions: If all animals were the same size, which would win in a fight and why?
Kim: All of them, as I’m guessing they’d be quite small if you averaged every animal’s size.
Expressions: What kind of cult would you like to start?
Kim: The Cult of the Holy Beat, where members force their hearts to beat at the same, constant rate, and where it is believed that all things can be found within the sequence of the beat. The bpm would probably be 120 or something.