San Luis Obispo High School has many different types students and one type is the procrastinator.
Procrastination can be caused by a few things such as, afraid of failing because you are not good at that subject, getting too overwhelmed, simply not wanting to do the work, or feeling your best under pressure. Procrastination can lead to, turning in work on time but very last minute, turning in work late, or not doing the work at all.
Sometimes procrastination can bring out your best work, but other times procrastination can bring out work you wish you never turned in.
Expressions went out and interviewed a few students who struggle with procrastination about what it really feels like and how they procrastinate.
Expressions: On a level of one to five, one being not really and five being bad, what level of procrastinator are you?
Junior Tyler James: Oof, I’m definitely a four.
Senior Bodhi Clancy: I would say about a two or two point five, I only ever put things off if I’m already stressed and behind (great time to slack off no?).
Senior Kai Bryant: Three.
Expressions: What things to you do instead of your work?
James: I usually draw or write poetry. Or sleep. Mostly draw though.
Clancy: I talk to people or go up the hill behind my house or just zone out and stare into the abyss of the universe.
Bryant: Text and watch TV.
Expression: Why do you procrastinate?
James: I have really bad anxiety and things get very overwhelming really easily.
Clancy: It’s just easy to do. If you don’t think about what you need to get done it becomes unimportant for a bit.
Bryant: It just happens.
Expressions: Does it make you feel more stressed or guilty?
James: Sometimes, I get stressed, but I end up doing it still.
Clancy: Not guilty, but it pretty much always makes the overwhelmed more overwhelming when you eventually get to the task at hand.
Bryant: Stressed, but not guilty.
Expressions: Do you think it would be a lot easier if you didn’t procrastinate?
James: Possibly, it would be much more beneficial,, I guess it would be easier.
Clancy: I don’t think it makes things easier but it will definitely keep you from an unnecessary freak out session.
Bryant: I agree with Clancy.
Expressions: How do you stay focused and productive when you want to quit?
James: Definitely music. Music calms me down and helps me de-stress and focus.
Clancy: I take a step back and breath or take a ten minute break and move around. Blood flow gives you more energy and stimulates the body’s ability to cope with stress.
Bryant: Music.