Arroyo Grande High School senior Jared Springer was recently prohibited from attending the prom put on by his school on Saturday, May 7. Springer was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2014 after collapsing in school and has been confined to a wheelchair. He fell out of his chair about three weeks ago and was forced to have emergency surgery, with a six week recovery period. Due to the fact that he missed a large amount of school leading up to prom, the Lucia Mar School District decided that he could not attend Prom.
Through social media, word got out about Springer’s unfortunate predicament, infuriating many residents of the Central Coast. Lucia Mar Superintendent Raynee Daley made a public apology to Springer and his family, taking full responsibility for the miscommunication within the district on Tuesday, May 10.
Although Springer missed out on his own Prom, there will be a “Prom for Jared” put on by Brighten A Corner Ministry in San Luis Obispo. It will be held at Mountainbrook Church Friday, May 27, from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. This prom is open to all upperclassmen attending AGHS, San Luis Obispo High School, Coastal Christian, New Tech, and Mission Prep. The same rules apply that sophomores may be accompanied by an upperclassman, but no freshmen are allowed. Tickets can be purchased for five dollars at the listed high schools. Dinner will be provided at the dance along with an after-party in the parking lot with food trucks.
Springer will also be attending the SLOHS prom on Saturday, May 21, accompanied by junior Grace Gilmore and senior Belle Caffee.
Click here to watch the promposal.