The Student News Site of San Luis Obispo High School




The Student News Site of San Luis Obispo High School



Where do SLOHS Students Want to go on Vacation?

  Sophomores Christopher Estrada and Marco Mendoza. Photo courtesy of sophomore Bee Balicki.

  Summer is the time when people go on most of their trips, and San Luis Obispo High School students go to some amazing places, with amazing stories. Although the places they go are amazing, not everyone can visit every place they want to. 

  SLOHS Expressions decided to dive deeper into what students actually want to do over the summer by asking two sophomores their opinions.

Expressions: What is your dream vacation?

Sophomore Christopher Estrada: My dream vacation is somewhere where it’s cold like Canada, or Alaska. Somewhere where it has snow.

Sophomore Marco Mendoza: My dream vacation would probably be Paris.

Expressions: Describe your dream vacation.

Estrada: My family and I going out somewhere where it’s cold like Canada, or maybe Alaska because they have the Northern lights. Then maybe a little cabin and it’s Christmas time, and we could watch a movie.

Mendoza: Going to Paris and eating breakfast at a really nice French restaurant. And also just spending time with family. I would bring my parents, my siblings, and my grandparents.

Expressions: Why is that your dream vacation?

Estrada: I don’t really like the heat, I always get mad when I’m hot. When it’s cold I like the feelings I get when I’m in the woods and it’s cold, and it’s snowing, it feels very cozy.

Mendoza: I like Europe and especially France. I like the architecture there, it’s really pretty.

Expressions: What would you do on this vacation?

Estrada: If there is a big mountain my family and I could go snowboarding. I’ve never done it before, I’d probably fall but it’d be fun. Maybe pet some goats, or eat marshmallows on the fire. 

Mendoza: I would visit the Eiffel Tower and eat on the top of it and take pictures. I’d also see the coast of France, and things that were eventful in World War II. I would also probably visit a lot of beaches.

  Both these vacations sound amazing and like a lot of fun. Many students would love to visit Canada, Alaska, or Paris. Hopefully everyone gets to spend their summer in a good way. 

  Happy summer, Tigers!

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