Senior Evan Lin is a talented piano player here at San Luis Obispo High School. Lin started playing piano at the age of five and continues to participate in the SLOHS regular and Jazz band. Lin also participated in an interview for Expressions.
Expressions: Why do you like playing a musical instrument?
Senior Evan Lin: Music is an opportunity to express my emotions that I can’t express in any other way.
Expressions: What are some of your favorite songs to play?
Senior Evan Lin: One of my favorite pieces is “Bach’s Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue.” However, my favorite song in general is “Click Clock Woods (Spring)” by Grant Kirkhope.
Expressions: How often do you practice playing outside of school?
Senior Evan Lin: I only practice about one hour per day of piano. I believe it’s not about the amount of time you practice, but the quality of practice.
Expressions: What is a typical school band class like?
Senior Evan Lin: I start off waking up one hour earlier to head to Jazz band, then comes first period band. Also, every Wednesday, I have winter percussion for three hours.
Expressions: How does piano contribute to those classes?
Senior Evan Lin: My piano practice contributes a lot to all of these three classes. My ability to sight-read music helps with everything.
Expressions: What do you plan on doing with your musical skills in the future?
Senior Evan Lin: I am not entirely sure yet about what to do in music. However, there are many paths that have opened up because of music.
Expressions: What are some of those paths?
Senior Evan Lin: A few examples of some paths that have opened up because of being a performer (in any instrument), a music teacher, and composer. Those are only a few basic things that have opened up to me because of music.
Expressions: What other instruments do you play?
Senior Evan Lin: Besides piano, I have experience in many percussion instruments. I can play any keyboard, mallet instrument, I can play marching and concert bass drum, concert snare drum, drum kit, and any other percussion auxiliary instrument. I have also played a little bit of organ for a short period of time.