Halloween is approaching, and we have the views of SLOHS students abut this holiday. Graphic courtesy of freshman Tessa Roos.
Sorting and trading candy, running from house to house, making sure to hit the cookie house up the long driveway. Halloween is a tradition that many kids look forward to every year. But what happens when those kids get older?
San Luis Obispo High School students shared their thoughts with SLOHS Expressions to answer the burning question: how old is too old?
A recent Expressions survey of 146 SLOHS students revealed that, at least on one night a year, you are never too old to dress up and take candy from strangers.
“Candy makes people happy regardless of age. People shouldn’t be robbed of that,” said one poll respondent.
A whopping 50.7 percent of respondents indicated that students feel one is never too old to trick or treat. At a distant second, with 15.8 percent, students said that one becomes too old at the ripe old age of 18.
So what are SLOHS students doing on the night of October 31? Well, first place with 56.2 percent says that they are going trick or treating, a close second is partying at 48.6 percent, and lagging behind at 19.9 percent is doing absolutely nothing.
“Trick or treating is about dressing up and knocking on peoples doors for free candy, I don’t think that there’s a set age where you aren’t allowed to trick or treat,” said another poll respondent.
It’s good to see that the fun-loving spirit of SLO youth has not been lost in this day and age.
An interesting outcome of the written responses revealed that even though the majority of SLOHS students felt that there is no age limit on trick or treating, many of those same individuals felt that “it gets creepy if you end up forty and going to peoples houses alone or with older friends, unless you are a parent,” according to one respondent.
Another valid point made is “you’re an adult now, go buy candy if you want it,” said a poll respondee.
Even though SLOHS students overwhelmingly feel that you are never too old to trick or treat, in the end it comes down to a personal preference, so get out there and do the one thing you were always told not to do; take that candy from strangers!