This year’s freshmen were already sitting at the senior assembly last May! Photo courtesy of Jason Heimerdinger.
After a long summer, San Luis Obispo High School is ready to welcome new freshmen onto the campus! The teachers and faculty staff worked hard to prepare the campus for the new students, and they should be recognized for their efforts.
“Make a good connection with your teachers, I feel we take them for granted,” said Junior Class Officer Eliana Garcia.
There are many opportunities available at SLOHS that are frequently overlooked by the freshmen class. One example of which is Career Technical Education (CTE) pathways.
A CTE pathway is a collection of classes intended to be taken in chronological order all focusing on a specific skill. Often, CTE pathways are overlooked by students who just want to sample the varying electives offered, but completing a CTE pathway offers great opportunities later in life.
Some CTE pathways like culinary, for example, offer credits for culinary school if you complete the pathway.
Another thing freshmen often overlook is the fact that highschool is only a four year period of their lives, and it can go by fast if they don’t stop to take advantage of all the opportunities provided.
“Don’t be scared; get out there, converse with people. They aren’t as scary as you think. Take every opportunity that comes at you, scholarships, new events, it all goes so fast, appreciate it,” said senior class officer Nina Moutafov.
Freshman year of high school is something only able to be experienced once, try and make the most of it.