Graphic courtesy of Sophomore Alma Tinoco
Individualism can be seen everywhere on San Luis Obispo High School’s campus. There are people that stick out like a sore thumb, standing out in the sea of people. It’s important to define one’s character, to express themselves- but is it necessary?
It’s not.
Stop trying to be different.
Start blending in with everyone else.
“Everyone should be normal, you know? Like identical copies of each other, like copy and paste. That’s how the world was meant to be,” said student with dyed hair and sophomore Rosstyn Janni.
There are people in SLOHS who fight against the norm. Colored hair, radical beliefs, it’s everywhere and anywhere (perhaps even in your classroom). The school system shouldn’t encourage individuals to be themselves. Nationwide, there has never been an issue with stunting personal growth by enforcing a sense of normality. As a school we should strive to be equal, to share the same mindset and become a unit. Certainly only positive benefits would come from a movement like this, as humanity functions better as a group than as individuals. Put down that box dye for the fifth time this week and join the rest of SLOHS society.
Everyone has the right to express themselves however they please, but what good has stepping out of the box done for anyone? Take Greek philosopher Socrates for example, a man executed for his unorthodox beliefs. Socrates was different from the majority, and look what happened to him. Several figures in history have broken from conformity and provided later generations with new opportunities or ideals, but of course that doesn’t really matter at all. I mean look at how great it is when people have the same hive mindset- think politics, religions, anything with a major following. When has a herd mentality ever been bad for anyone?
There is no I in individual, but there is an I in herd mentality. Be like everyone else, Tigers.
(This article is Satire just like the Feature in the May issue of Expressions!)