Photo courtesy of senior Lindsay McKee.
The San Luis Obispo High School track and field team had their first intrasquad meet on February 19 and their first meet against other schools on February 26. New freshman athletes, as well as returning athletes, have shown off their skills on the track and field even after just two meets.
Expressions talked to senior track and field athlete Lindsay McKee to find out more about her experience on the SLOHS team.
Expressions: Why did you join track?
Senior Lindsay McKee: I joined track because I wanted an outlet in my life where I can exercise. I also was very interested in the jumping events track had to offer and I wanted to try it out.
Expressions: Why do you think so many people try out for track?
McKee: I think so many people go to track is because it is a very welcoming sport. There are no tryouts or traditional cuts which means anyone who is interested can join, which means you don’t have to be the best before the season starts to be on the team.
Expressions: Have you competed on the SLOHS track team before or do you plan to keep doing track in the future?
McKee: This is my third year being on the track team at SLOHS. I am also considering continuing which track and field at Cuesta College.
Expressions: How does it feel to see the program become so popular? Why do you think people gravitate towards track?
McKee: It feels awesome seeing so many people gravitate towards track and field. I think a lot of people do it because of how inclusive it is. I also feel like track can be for anyone. There are so many events to choose from.
Expressions: How do you feel about practicing without a real track and competing at other schools?
McKee: It can be a little difficult practicing without a track. It’s also very sad thinking about how I’m a senior and I won’t be able to practice on the new track next year. But It’s really cool seeing everyone still trying their best with what we’ve got, and having no track can help us work on track and field as well as overall fitness basics that can help us in the long run.
Go support McKee and her teammates at their next meet this Saturday, March 5 at Atascadero High School.