Many students and teachers at San Luis Obispo High School are exercising in order to stay healthy during summer.
But junior Hugo Mendez has taken exercise to a much more difficult and extreme level. He is working his way to becoming a powerbuilder.
“I started powerbuilding last summer and I ran a nine-week program and loved it. I started because I wanted to add on muscle mass,” said Mendez.
Powerbuilding is a training style that integrates higher intensity and weight with lower reps. It differs from bodybuilding, in which it is done to gain as much strength and power as possible, while bodybuilding is purely done to display muscle size.
“My usual workout is an ab [exercise] for three hours tops. On Mondays I do pushups and it’s a variation of chest, triceps, and shoulders,” said Mendez.
While one works towards a goal, it’s important to keep an inspiration in mind.
“My biggest inspiration is David Laid. He’s the main foundation of my motivation,” said Mendez.
But with training comes obstacles and difficulties.
“I think the most difficult part is going to the gym everyday and getting your meals in. I eat four meals a day but I don’t really like eating, but you gotta do what you gotta do,” said Mendez.
His goals will require years of training but with practice, he might just be able to achieve it.
“My major goal is to deadlift seven hundred pounds by [age] 18 and to get a sponsorship from some big fitness company.”