Phones, especially among teenagers at San Luis Obispo High School, have taken over. Among all the social media crowding the spotlight today, Snapchat and Instagram are two of the most popular. This begs the question, which is the favorite?
Expressions asked students about Instagram and Snapchat to put to rest this debate once and for all.
Expressions: Do you prefer Snapchat or Instagram, and why?
Freshmen Lucy Mendoza: I prefer Snapchat over Instagram because I can talk to my friends and see their faces at the same time.
Freshmen Janey Rubio: I prefer Snapchat because it’s an easy way to talk to my friends and see what they’re up to. There’s also a lot more things I like on Snapchat like how it’s just a lot simpler and all around I prefer it.
Sophomore Trinity di Santo: I think Snapchat because you can talk to people.
Freshman Emily Niebuhr: Instagram, because it shows you a wider variety of content.
Expressions: What do you think some pros and cons are of both Instagram and Snapchat?
Mendoza: I think some cons on Instagram and Snapchat is that they are kind of addicting. But they also give us a better way to communicate than messages. Also, you never know how safe you are on both Instagram or Snapchat. But then again they are really fun to be on and share with friends how and what you are doing whenever you want.
Rubio: Instagram lets me keep up with influencers and celebrities that I like and it lets me see part of the life of some people who I don’t talk to [or] don’t see very often. It’s very annoying to keep up with though. It refreshes constantly, and also there’s just so many Instagram stories. Snapchat lets me talk to my friends a lot more easily and it’s very simple and easy to use. I’m also on it all the time, and so are a lot of my friends, so I feel like sometimes we just get lost in it and aren’t really paying attention to the world.
di Santo: Pro for Snapchat is you can talk to people; con is sometimes it gets boring. Pro for Instagram is you can see what people are doing in the world; con, it gets boring.
Niebuhr: Instagram has a good layout and Snapchat is quicker for communication. Instagram, if you don’t look at it every day it piles up, I don’t like the layout and how it disappears after 24 hours for Snapchat.
Expressions: What do you think makes Snapchat and Instagram so different from each other?
Mendoza: Instagram is more of a place where you can post things and just share your life and Snapchat is more of a communication.
Rubio: Snapchat is more to talk with friends and to take funny photos and really to post about anything as its only there for a short period of time. Instagram is more to keep up with your family, your friends, and people who you don’t even know (influencers, celebrities, etc.) and we get to see their lifestyle.
di Santo: One you can talk and one you can see what they’re doing.
Niebuhr: Snapchat is more casual and temporary, and then Instagram, people can create different aesthetics within their account and it’s more personalized.