A new addition to the world is eight-day-old Logan Oliver Sheller. He was born on May 9, weighing a healthy 9 pounds and 10 ounces. Logan is the son of San Luis Obispo High School’s AP World History and drama teacher Kate Stephens. Expressions set out to interview this new mother of three and her two daughters to find out more about the little guy.
Expressions: Is Logan going to join Tiny Tigers when he is at that age?
SLOHS AP World History and drama teacher Kate Stephens: I think that Tiny Tigers is awesome, but if I’m working full time, he’ll probably be at a preschool that is open every day.
Expressions: Is it exciting to have a new addition to your family?
K. Stephens: Yes because I love my kids and they’re amazing and it’s going to be fun to see what another one adds to the mix.
Hannah Stephens: Yes. I’ve always secretly wanted a little brother, and never thought it would come true until now.
Ainsley Stephens: Yes because small people are cool and we’ve always wanted a brother.
Expressions: What is your favorite thing about Logan?
K. Stephens: I’m still learning who he is, but it’s exciting to see someone figuring out the world.
H. Stephens: I love his eyes (blue) and the way he looks at me.
A. Stephens: I don’t know since we just met him.
Expressions: What milestone of Logan’s are you most excited for?
K. Stephens: I can’t choose. Everything.
H. Stephens: His first crush.
A. Stephens: Probably when he starts school because I can give him advice and help him make friends.
Expressions: With Logan, what are you most afraid of?
K. Stephens: I’m not sure. I’m more excited than scared.
“That he won’t really have time to get to know us because we’re leaving for college in a few years and that we might miss some of the best parts while being away from him since we’ll only be with him half of the time,” said both Hannah and Ainsley.
Expressions: What is it like being an older sibling?
H. Stephens: It’s different but in a good way. I get to experience everything.
A. Stephens: There’s more responsibility and since it’s only been a few days, it’s hard to tell right now what it’s really like.
Expressions: Do you think that having an infant sibling will teach you any life lessons?
H. Stephens: Totally. I’ll learn so much and hopefully, be more prepared for when I have kids of my own.
A. Stephens: Yes because I’m old enough to remember and understand how to do things and help my mom out.
Expressions: Do you have any goals for the future living with Logan?
H. Stephens: I want to be there for him however I can and help my family.
A. Stephens: I want him to grow up in a good environment and know that he has people that will be there for him.