Either driving by or walking downtown, many San Luis Obispo High School students have taken notice of the large red house situated in the entrance of the Mission Plaza. This past month, the square has been crowded and full of families with small children. Since November 23, Santa’s House and The Classic Carousel have been open for business, welcoming patrons of all ages. Many students are familiar with these two traditions, these events always showing up around this time of year.
However, upon asking around, no SLOHS students seem to have attended either event. “It sounds cool, but I don’t know much about it. If I had lived here when I was younger, I might’ve gone.” said freshman Alex Hostmeyer.
As students grow older, the holiday season changes for them. Where once Santa’s House was marketed to them, students now are being offered volunteer hours for being an elf. “I feel like it’s a good way to bring in the holiday season for younger children,” said freshman Stella McSween.
Santa’s House is closing for the season on December 24, at 12 p.m., meaning there may still be time to take a picture with Santa. Pictures are five dollars for a take-your-own photo, eight dollars for a framed souvenir photo, and eleven dollars for a souvenir package including both aforementioned options.
The Carousel will remain open until December 26, the hours of the final day being from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Rides can be purchased, three dollars per person, and five rides for ten dollars.
“It’s a good experience for children around the holidays. When I was little, it was a tradition every year to ride the carousel as soon as it was put up.” said freshman Isabelle Preston.