San Luis Obispo High School will host local elementary schools on Friday for the annual Tiger Olympics. Students from ASB and other volunteers will be showing fifth and sixth graders around SLOHS, leading them in sporting events, and facilitating STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) activities. The Tiger Olympics is a great opportunity to give elementary schoolers a taste of the high school life.
“It allows elementary school students to experience all of SLOHS’s campus and what it has to offer. This is an event that gets so many diverse groups and organizations on our campus to become involved and help out younger students. We pull out all the stops for this event to make it extra special and fun for the students,” said sophomore ASB member Taylor Young.
Last year students played only sporting events, but this year they will be able to participate in events like theater games, engineering challenges, and band. SLOHS students are more involved this year’s Tiger Olympics, which will make the event more exciting for the elementary school students.
“I am excited for the Tiger Olympics because I get to see my friends from other schools and hang out with kids that I will be going to middle school with. Last year was fun, but I think the new things to do will make it cooler. I also liked seeing the campus before I go there for high school,” said sixth grade Charles E. Teach student Eleanor Mann.
The Tiger Olympics are not only fun for the elementary schoolers, but the SLOHS students enjoy it too. It is a great tradition for San Luis Coastal Unified schools.
“I’m so excited to work with elementary school students for Tiger Olympics. I have always loved working with young kids and I can’t wait to show them around SLOHS and play fun games with them. Last year I was able to see the end of the Tiger Olympics, in which the students ran a relay race for track and field. It was so adorable seeing the kids race their hardest and have fun,” said Young.