March 16 marked the opening of this year’s student directed production “A Very Potter Musical.” Directed by junior Stephen ZagRodny, and assistant directed by juniors Emma Anderson and Dasha Novotny, the production was hilarious and entertaining from start to finish.
Sophomore Cati Newlon was terrific as Ginny Weasley, senior Breanna Chambers portrayed the wise Albus Dumbledore,and junior Lauren Hatcher stole the show when she belted a ballad as Hermione Granger. Senior Jacob Peterson was a hysterical Severus Snape, sophomore Hannah Peterson stood out as Draco Malfoy, Junior Riley Truschke rocked an orange wig as Ron Weasley and junior Rutik Shinglot carried the show as “the boy who lived,” Harry Potter. Some of the funniest scenes however, were those shared by junior Andrew Gater, as Professor Quirrell, and junior Nabeel El-Sayed, who portrayed Lord Voldemort.
“That was probably the best opening night I’ve ever been a part of,” said El-Sayed. “Everyone played their roles so well and the enthusiasm from the audience is what really made the play what it was, having that much support from everyone is what gave us the confidence to do well.”
The entire cast remained animated and in character during pop-fused group numbers, and each person added their own personality to their characters, making each role seem as if it were perfectly cast. If you are Harry Potter obsessed, if you like musicals, or if you simply love to laugh, be sure to go see “A Very Potter Musical.” It is only playing until the March 18, and tickets are free!