With the recent plans of measure D showing that the big tree in front of San Luis Obispo High School may get cut down, many students are clamoring at the idea of this happening. The tree is being cut down because of measure D construction, which will move the Administration building to the tree’s current location on campus.
“The big tree is an esteemed part of the high school’s history, and it would be a tragedy to have it cut down just to build another building on top of it,” said junior Carissa Denehy.
Recently, though, a protest online has been started, in the form of a petition. The petition intends on letting our superintendent and overall administration know that this isn’t something the student body wants, as the tree is looked at as a SLOHS staple. The petition, as of this writing, has a total of 1,419 supporters, which is only 81 away from its goal. If you see the big tree as a SLOHS staple and are against it being cut down, click here to sign the petition.