Carrying cases for rifles are very important for safety. Photo courtesy of newspaper advisor Scott Nairne.
Most students at San Luis Obispo High School have little to no knowledge of guns. Few students know the different types, how to hold, and shoot a gun, or even where to get one.
How about the people who use it for weekend hunting trips with friends or family? Are they safe, do they remember to use the California firearm safety laws?
“In your house guns should be stored in a locked gun safe or cabinet, unloaded with ammo stored in a separate location. A car would be similar to a gun unloaded in a locked/secured gun safe. I feel like many members of the community that I know up here in Santa Margarita/Atascadero are gun owners and do follow common sense in the use of those guns. They store them properly and use them recreationally in the proper way at our local gun range or on private land,” said newspaper advisor Scott Nairne.
The most important California safety law states that gun owners should treat all guns as if they are loaded. Always assume that a gun is loaded even if you think it is unloaded. Every time a gun is handled for any reason, check to see that it is unloaded. If you are unable to check a gun to see if it is unloaded, leave it alone and seek help from someone more knowledgeable about guns.
“I keep my guns in a safe and the ammo I take out of the guns and store in a different safe, all of my guns have trigger locks on them even in the safe,” said special education teacher Henry Wise.
Many cheap and affordable options for firearm storage provide quick access to their guns while still preventing access from children and people who are not licensed and at risk of harming themselves or others. San Luis Obispo gun store Range Master on South Higuera would be a good place to shop for this type of safety equipment. If guns are not safely stored, problems can arise
“A friend of mine kept his guns in a glass-locked cabinet in his home; then their house was robbed and the guns were stolen, knowing that there are people out there who make bad decisions. Having a hold of guns does not sit well,” said industrial technology teacher Tim Fay.
If your family hunts, or you plan on owning guns in the future make sure to follow proper gun laws and keep yourself and those around you safe.