The groundhog predicts the future, as expected. Photo courtesy of NPR.
The American weather forecasting groundhog Punxsutawney Phil has reached a conclusion on the arrival of the next season this Groundhog Day, which was Friday, February 2..
The groundhog has seen his shadow, ensuring six more weeks of winter time.
Today Phil’s actions affect the entire nation, including students at San Luis Obispo High School.
The tradition of using a groundhog to predict whether winter would continue or an early spring would come began in 1877, and originated from a German legend about a furry rodent. The original event of Groundhog Day took place in Punxsutawney, Philadelphia where it is still held today. The event determines the coming of the next season using Phil’s shadow: if he sees it,winter continues, and if he doesn’t, spring comes early. This year Phil saw his shadow, which means more winter for everyone.
“I really need to have a conversation with Phil because personally, I thrive in the summer. When the sun is shining, I feel good and I feel great,” said senior Mutale Malama.
What does Phil’s prediction mean for students at SLOHS? It means continuous cold mornings and more sweaters. To some it stirs negative emotions as they begin to be sick of gray days.
“When I hear that it’s going to be cloudy and chilly for another six weeks, I’m mad,” said Malama.
Despite the love and hate for the winter season, the groundhog has done its job. Six more weeks until spring, Tigers and, well, groundhogs too!