Whether students love it or hate it, TNN has quickly become a part of the daily routine here at San Luis Obispo High School. To gain some insight on the morning announcements, Expressions talked to Junior Connor Trett, a student on staff at TNN.
Expressions: How do you measure a successful broadcast?
Junior Connor Trett: Just say it goes smoothly, there’s no foul -ups, that everything goes well.
Expressions: Do you think you’ve had many ‘Successful broadcasts?’
Trett: I can honestly say we’ve had, at least, ten really good broadcasts. I wouldn’t say they were perfect, I’d say they were really good.
Expressions: How important do you think TNN is to the school?
Trett: I don’t think it’s very important, I just prefer that over the announcements over the P.A.
Expressions: Do you think Students appreciate the work you do?
Trett: I think they appreciate having something else to do other than classwork.
Expressions: Why are there so many technical errors during broadcasts? (Low quality camera switching, sound problems, media complications, consistently poor script)
Trett: It can be anything from everyone’s on the Wi-Fi at one point, which causes the media errors. There are times in the middle of the trimester where we’re training people to run the cameras, so they hardly know what to do…
Expressions: You’re training them on-air?
Trett: Yes.
Expressions: And do you think that’s good?
Trett: Probably not. We don’t have class time anymore to do it, so, we have to do it on the fly.
Expressions: Why do you repurpose content from CNN and other news organizations instead of coming up with original content?
Trett: Because we’re lazy.
Expressions: Is there anything you believe TNN excels at/does well?
Trett: We are really good at looking like we know what we’re doing.