Photo courtesy of stamuri.com
With there being a variety of speech impediments in society, stigma and stereotypes are put into place. People around the world, including students at San Luis Obispo High School, are affected by stutters. Stuttering can be set off by a multitude of factors, including stress and/or anxiety.
Expressions set out to find out more about stutters and the correlation it has with stress and anxiety.
“Stress increases the likelihood of stuttering, aggravates stuttering that is already present, and may be one of the reasons that stuttering is maintained over time,” said Tedra Walden, PhD, a professor in the department of psychology and human development at Vanderbilt.
Coming from personal experience, stuttering is something that impacts my life and affects the way I act in certain situations. When talking in a group, the stress of having people talk over me or interrupt me is one factor that can lead to an increase in stuttering.
According to westutter.org, “As children become aware of their disfluencies, negative feelings related to speaking may increase tension and further affect their ability to communicate. Depending on their [childrens’] temperament, some children may experience more emotional arousal and anxiety when speaking than others.”
Stuttering can start from a young age, and for some, it can get worse as children grow and become more aware of their stuttering. Anxiety or stress from knowing about a person’s stutter can prevent individuals from participating in social situations and prohibit them from living their life to the fullest.
One person everyone knows who has a sutter, is President Joe Biden. Biden has openly spoken about his stuttering and has become a role model for a multitude of people with sutters, including students at SLOHS. Biden is helping to erase the stigma that surrounds stuttering by being open about his own stuttering.
If you know anyone with a stutter, remember to take your time and be patient.
Source: www.everydayhealth.com, https://westutter.org, www.healthline.com