Photo Courtesy of senior Alexis Haas.
With San Luis Obispo High School being online since March 2020, this year’s graduating students have lost more than just part of the junior year, they have as well lost the best year, senior year. Many students are beyond fed up with this devastating result of school closures, so much so that they decided to graduate high school as soon as possible. Alexis Haas is one of the eight SLOHS seniors who decided to graduate early and Expressions set out to learn more about her recent choice.
Expressions: What made you want to graduate early (besides the pandemic)?
Senior Alexis Haas: There is no particular thing that made me want to graduate early. I would say that I definitely am a person who loves different and adventurous things and graduating early was just a statement of that; I am able to live life a little-obviously in a different time because of the pandemic, but I can have many new experiences and learn new lessons while not being in class, and preparing for a new chapter in my life.
Expressions: Were you planning on graduating early before the pandemic occurred, if so why?
Haas: Yes and no. I had talked to Mr. Inman [one of SLOHS Guidance Counselors] about graduating early and what it would entail, but I never went into high school planning to graduate early. I have always taken summer classes through Cuesta College, which allowed me to have enough credits to be done early, then the pandemic hit, and everything in life kind of shifted and I knew it was what was meant to be.
Expressions: Did you have any hesitations to graduate early? If so, what were they?
Haas: Yes I did have some hesitations. Planning to go to a four-year university in the fall and standing out to those schools can call for you to have more credits, so no counselor advises you to graduate early if that is what you’re looking to do. It also is just scary because of the pandemic and all to know if it is a smart choice or not.
Expressions: Do you have a specific idea of what you’re going to do with your free time?
Haas: I plan on working and traveling. My main goal is just to fill this time with new life experiences before heading to college and then the real world. It’s like a little rest before a new chapter.
Expressions: When you decided to graduate early, did you feel as if you were getting ahead of everyone else, and if so, how has that stayed true or differed?
Haas: No, I never thought I was “getting ahead”. I’m very much a person who stands by each individual being unique and having their own path and this was a part of mine but in no way does it get me ahead. There is so much that school has to offer of people who are finishing out a full four years and there is also a lot to offer to have a bit more time without the stress of homework and all to find yourself more and grow as an individual. Both are great and neither set you up to “get ahead” of the other.
Expressions: Why do you think a senior would decide not to graduate early in Covid-19?
Haas: I think if they have to finish their credits to graduate early. It’s not an easy thing to just do, it’s a thing that takes extra work, outside [of school] time, and a lot of information and conversations. I was thankful enough to have a great counselor to inform me of everything, but some students don’t know it’s an option. Also, SLOHS allows seniors to drop their unnecessary classes, which I think is a good alternative for seniors who didn’t want to graduate early.
Expressions: Do you regret graduating early, since regulations give very few options to do things? Haas: At first I was for sure in a funk and had regrets when it came to credits and all. Overall now though, I don’t have any regrets; I made a decision for a reason and I am going to stick to it. I have had so many friends tell me too how much they wish they were me and didn’t have school so that has helped. I also believe you can’t regret things unless you will never be happy so here I am happy and graduated!