For many SLOHS staff and students, dogs and cats are the main pets, allowing for some to never really hear about fish. Pet fish sometimes have a bad reputation, not being able to do anything with them except watching them swim… that’s is about it; but fish also can have a beneficial effect on one’s life.
Fish are very hypnotizing. No matter the color, size, or shape of your fish, the way their bodies move is calming. Depending on how close one and their fish get, they can interact, be playful and even can be trained to do tricks. They also learn to teach responsibility and are a great first pet.
“I would recommend getting a fish because they are both fascinating individuals and help to bring stability and routine into your everyday life,” said senior April Engelmeier.
If the debating of wanting any pet, fish are definitely the perfect first pet. The only place they get dirty is their tank which just needs to get clean when it gets dirty. They do not need to be walked, don’t require litter boxes, or need to be trained where to use the bathroom. Fish will not track any dirt in the house and adding an aquarium for a fish can be a nice addition to the house, especially a room.
Now for other people, fish can be too boring. Some people do not see the beauty or relaxation of having a fish, and instead of it being a nice pet to watch swim, it can be a chore. Many people who do not have fish are unaware of the amazing things fish can do and are unwilling to buy something they can’t physically play with.
“ They aren’t entertaining and they do not even live that long for how much you take care of them. I think they’re better for just decoration or for looks than an actual pet,” said senior Lily Bryson.
Although some people do not see the fun in fish, they can be a nice company to have. It is important to keep a relationship with your fish and it is a great first pet for younger children. As you get older and find more of the beauty and relaxation in a fish it may teach one to find exciting things in the simple things.