Photo courtesy of Junior Emmersen Hill
As the 2020 school year at San Luis Obispo High School continues online, SLOHS sports are starting up again.
Sports have always been a fifth period or zero period class for students, until now.
Students and teachers at SLOHS have been used to sports as fifth period, but with the switch to semesters and distance learning, changes had to be made.
Expressions set out to find out the reasoning behind this change, and whether or not students enjoy this new schedule.
“From my knowledge, at the time the decision was being made there were no plans to have athletics when registering for classes. In addition, the transition to semesters lessened the amount of classes SLOHS students could take—it did not make sense to have an athletics period inside the school day when we could not predict if or when we would begin athletics and the focus was to allow students to be able to take a robust academic schedule, including the amazing elective courses we offer,” said American Government teacher and athletic director Marci Beddall.
Sports have been a big part of students’ lives at SLOHS, and this new change has affected students in various ways. Some students like this schedule.
“Personally, being a cross country and track athlete, I don’t mind not having a fifth period sport that much. Either way, it’s towards the end of the school day and gives academic athletes a break from school. The reason I especially don’t mind it now, is because we only have three periods a day, so the workload after practices aren’t as stressful and intense as it would be if we were in physical school. So as of right now, having sports as an extracurricular doesn’t bother me,” said junior Anessa Alvarado.
According to a survey released by the National Federation of State High School Associations, it is estimated that 55.5 percent of all high school students play a sport. Since so many students love high school sports, it’s important that they are able to participate, regardless of whether or not it is in their daily schedule.
“I don’t mind it, at least right now, because it doesn’t have that much of an effect due to SLOHS doing the whole distance learning thing. It hasn’t had that much of an affect on me, but if anything it’s been a good thing because it allows for me to take other classes. If we go back to in person school, I’d rather have it go back to how it was. I feel it would make everything easier with sports, but if we stay distance learning I don’t have a problem with it staying the way it is,” said junior Blayke Perry.
Having sports as an extracurricular activity doesn’t seem to be a bad thing, according to students. Many changes have come about due to this crazy new year, and this sports change is just one of the many.
Sources: usnews.com