As students get into this 2020 school year at San Luis Obispo High School, new teachers are making appearances. Math teacher Clay Miller is one of these new faces we can expect to see around. Expressions set out to interview Miller and find out all about him.
Expressions: Where did you go to school, high school and college? Majors?
Math teacher Clay Miller: K-8, I went to a small private school called Lutheran School of Our Savior. Then I went to Saint Francis High School. My first college was Cal State Stanislaus for two years. My second college was San Jose State University for two years. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Finance. I did my Post grad at the University of San Francisco. I earned my teaching credential and Master’s degree in Education.
Expressions: What are your favorite and least favorite things about teaching at SLOHS?
Miller: My favorite thing is that the students have been amazing so far (especially given the challenging circumstances). They have been polite, respectful, and determined to learn. Also, the faculty and staff members have been very welcoming. There are special people that work and teach at SLOHS. Least favorite thing is virtual teaching because I miss the in-person connection and conversations.
Expressions: What was your job prior to teaching at SLOHS? Was it teaching or finishing school?
Miller: I was teaching math and coaching basketball at Saint Francis High School.
Expressions: What are your goals for teaching and what do you hope to achieve in the future?
Miller: Goals: inspire students to be the best they can be and develop fun and interesting lessons to motivate students. Future vision: help develop the boys basketball program into a premier HS program that helps athletes develop as young men, on and off the court
Expressions: Why did you REALLY get into teaching?
Miller: It all started because I was coaching basketball at Saint Francis, while in college at San Jose State (I was about twenty years old at the time). I had developed solid relationships with some of my high school teachers and stayed in contact with them. They thought that since I enjoyed coaching, I would also enjoy being in the classroom. So that’s what started the process of me becoming a teacher.