San Luis Obispo High School seniors have been out of school for two weeks already. Although their senior year did not go as planned and the disappointments COVID-19 caused still linger, seniors have been looking forward to a senior trip all year long.
COVID-19 is still predominant in the world so has it put a stop to, or a delay on many seniors trips?
“For my senior trip I was going to travel to Europe for a little over three weeks to six countries with Lucy and Nicole. We were gonna go to Spain, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, France and Germany. Due to Covid19 our trip got canceled. We’re hoping to go next summer though,” said 2020 graduate Sage Cannon.
While some seniors trips have been canceled all together because of this pandemic others are uncertain about whether their trip will happen or not.
“I wanted to go to Tahoe with the boys but depending on what happens with football and Covid19 I am not sure if we will even be able to go,” said 2020 graduate Jeremy Fitzsimmons.
Luckily, some seniors are still able to spend the last moments with their friends before college.
“Currently my friends and I have a trip planned to stay in Malibu for four days. Luckily we didn’t book anything out of the country or a flight so Corona didn’t really affect our senior trip other than the fact that some beaches could still be closed,” said 2020 graduate Rio Rosecrans.