In a society that revolves around hustling and bustling and constant improvement, COVID-19 presents an obvious challenge. San Luis Obispo High School students, along with the whole of the U.S., are under a stay-at-home order and partaking in online classes. But the conflict between our hunger for progress and our need for rest seems never-ending. We need to stay healthy physically and mentally. But, we also feel as though we lack discipline if we don’t come out of quarantine with a rad new talent or washboard abs—the type of goals praised by Instagram influencers. Expressions sat down with senior Jenna Macfarlane to discuss this very predicament.
Expressions: Does stress—emotionally, mentally, or physically—affect how you go about your day during quarantine?
Senior Jenna Macfarlane: Stress does affect me some, I guess mostly just being paranoid about cleanliness, so just ensuring things are sanitary
Expressions: How has covid-19 affected your motivation?
Macfarlane: My motivation has definitely decreased, but I’ve still mostly finished all assignments before the deadline.
Expressions: How has your productivity, in any areas, gone up or down since the stay-at-home order?
Macfarlane: My productivity in basically all areas has decreased at least some.
Expressions: Have you noticed any change in routine, mood, social dynamics, etc. being stuck at home?
Macfarlane: There have definitely been changes, as there is no set schedule for week days anymore. As for social dynamics there has been more Zoom meetings and FaceTime. Overall less contact with people outside of my immediate family.
Expressions: How can we maintain a healthy balance between rest and productivity at this time?
Macfarlane: By working on things that are due before leisure time and giving yourself breaks with a time limit, perhaps even a schedule for the time you dedicate to working if needed.