As San Luis Obispo High School reaches three weeks of distance learning, and the county reaches similar numbers of the shelter in place order. Cabin Fever is becoming something many students are becoming acquainted with. Expressions are here to help with five different fun things to do from home.
It is important to note however bored we are, it is incredibly important to follow the order to shelter in place. If not for you then the people who are susceptible around you.
“I usually begin to feel really run down and tired when I don’t leave the house for days on end. To get fresh air and exercise while also keeping my social distance, I like to hike,” said sophomore Anne Frederickson.
Hikes are a perfect way to get out of the house and have some fun. It is out in the open, so it keeps students and others safe. It gets students moving which is an important thing for y health, and it keeps the body in shape for when school comes back.
Another way to combat cabin fever is to organize or reorganize rooms or other spaces. It helps to keep focused on projects.
Another way to combat the isolation piece of cabin fever is to FaceTime, Zoom, Hangouts or another video conferencing software with friends. It isn’t a perfect substitute for the real thing but it allows students to see people’s faces and connect.
“Almost everyday my friends and I Skype at lunch to catch up, which is nice because I miss them and it’s good to have something set in my schedule everyday. I also just bought a membership to a game I used to play in middle school so that’s been keeping me entertained as well,” said junior Jayda Monreal.
It is always important to remember that you are not alone right now however much you feel like it. You can reach out to your friends and classmates, we can all relate to what is going on right now.