Here at San Luis Obispo High School, there are names attached to the 1600 plus students and their personalities. Expressions set out to interview eight SLOHS students with common and not so common names to find out what their name is all about
Expressions: How did you acquire your name?
Freshman Noah Jaworski: My brother and sister chose my name.
Junior Zoe Maxie: Zoe means “life” in greek and it was my grandmothers name, so my mom named me after her.
Freshman Sophia Loreto
Santos: My dad got it from a TV
show, which I don’t know what it is.
Senior Pateley Johnson: There is a town called Pateley Bridge in England
and I have family from there.
Senior Pol Diaz
Gomez: Pol was the town where
my parents lived before having me, so my mom chose to name me that.
Sophomore Arantxa Covarrubias: My name is from the Basque country in Spain, and it means “thorn bush”, but my parents chose it because of the virgin of Arantzazu. My parents both have very common names, so they wanted to give me a unique name to make up for it. They took inspiration from spanish names since that is where the majority of my family is from.
Sophomore Tekuru
Schwartz: My dad lived in Fiji
islands for two years and stayed with a family who had a daughter with my name,
and he named me after her.
Expressions: What do you like about your name?
Jaworski: I kinda enjoy that it is a little bit of a rare
name, to me.
Maxie: It’s short, easy to remember, and easy to hear
in public places or restaurants.
Loreto Santos: I feel like it is pretty basic, so I like it.
Johnson: I like that it is unique, but it comes with its
downsides too.
Diaz Gomez: Although people here don’t seem to get it the
first time, it’s short, simple, and easy to remember.
Covarrubias: I like that it’s hard to pronounce, so it
discourages teachers from calling on me. Personally, I also enjoy the fact that
it’s very eccentric and unique because it feels like a defining feature of my
Schwartz: I like it, but it can sometimes be annoying to
Expressions: If you could change your name, would you? And if so, what would you change it to?
Jaworski: Yes I would change it to my middle name, Jason.
Maxie: I would not change my name because I really like
Loreto Santos: I wouldn’t change my name.
Johnson: I’d probably change my name, but I don’t know
what to.
Diaz Gomez: I wouldn’t change my name because it is quite
unique for both here and where I live in Spain.
Covarrubias: When I was younger, I really wanted to change my
name to something that sounded more american like Jessicaa or Sarah. Now, I’ve
learned to appreciate my name and how exotic and different it sounds. Overall,
I really like my name.
Schwartz: I don’t think I would want to change it.