California votes tomorrow, Super Tuesday, in the Democratic presidential primary, and many San Luis Obispo High School seniors are able to vote for the first time.
California awards 415 pledged delegates, far more than any other state— the next closest, New York, awards only 274. 144 of the delegates are assigned based on the overall statewide vote, while the remaining 271 delegates are assigned based on votes in individual congressional districts.
Polling has shown Vermont senator Bernie Sanders holding a considerable lead statewide, but the race has been shaken up in recent days due to Vice President Joe Biden’s large win in South Carolina and the exits of former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg and Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar.
Expressions interviewed three seniors about who they are voting for and what issues they care about.
Expressions: Who are you voting for tomorrow?
Senior Axel Reich: I am going to vote for Bernie Sanders.
Senior Joshua Compton: I’m not old enough to vote, but if I could I would vote for Pete Buttigieg. I know he dropped out of the race, but I still support him.
Senior Benjamin Lipper: I am going to write in a vote for Joshua Compton.
Expressions: Why are you voting for them?
Reich: Well, I believe in workplace democracy, I believe in economic democracy, and I think that healthcare is a human right. I also just generally agree with his belief that the current established political order will not continue to work through the Twenty-First Century.
Compton: I like his message of inclusion. He seems like a fair and articulate person who’s willing to compromise, which is something I value in political figures.
Lipper: Wait— he’s too young. But nevermind. I feel like he’s wise beyond his years.
Expressions: What issues are most important to you?
Reich: I would say that there are a lot of different things, but the main ones that I’ve been focused on recently are treatment of workers and foreign policy. I think Bernie is the strongest foreign policy candidate.
Compton: Economic policy and the environment— I want someone who can pursue my moderate economic beliefs and give individuals more ability to impact climate change. If individuals are able to stand up to climate change themselves, it will be much more efficient than any government involvement.
Lipper: I believe in protecting birds in America, and I think Josh would do a good job at that.