Walking around the halls of San Luis Obispo High School, there are familiar and not-so familiar faces. There are many diverse people, with diverse interests. In this day and age, teens can find it hard to express themselves, but senior Sebastian Ramirez has no difficulty.
Often seen with his hair dyed red, or another fun color, Ramirez has some pretty cool hobbies and style. His 1990s to early 2000s fashion is refreshing to see after constant Hollister khakis and button ups.
“I’m inspired by a lot of things. I think it’s taken me a while to finally know the complete me. My style is mostly towards late 90s early 2000s era stuff. Baggy JNCO pants are my favorite, especially with chunky shoes and a studded belt with every outfit is great, lots of early 2000s mallgoth accessories, and lots of 40-50 inch wide rave pants are one of my favorites as well,” said Ramirez.
Not only that, but Ramirez enjoys film photography. Since digital cameras came out in the early 2000s, film photography has become a lost art, not many people indulge in it anymore.
“I started shooting film when I was a sophomore. I think the best thing about 35 millimeter cameras and film is that you are more likely to get the best creative shots because unlike a digital camera, you can actually take your time and make the photo your about to take look dope. It all takes your imagination and brain to want the perfect shot, whether it’s people or landscapes. Film is not the cheapest, especially getting developed but I truly think it’s worth it,” said Ramirez.
Ramirez is a really interesting, cool person. His style is not like many others at SLOHS, which is what makes it so good and inspiring. From knowing his style to being able to express himself through his clothes and film, Ramirez is an inspiration to all.