Here at sunny San Luis Obispo High School, students would like to think their campus is an accepting place for all people. However, what does it feel like to be part of a minority at SLOHS?
Expressions set out to interview senior Hana Abdul Cader about what it’s like be to one of the few Muslim students at SLOHS.
Expressions: How many Muslim students are there at SLOHS?
Senior Hana Abdul Cader: In our MSA, Muslim Student Association, there are about four Muslims that come every week, I’m sure there’s more Muslims, but they are busy with things.
Expressions: What is the Muslim Student Association?
Abdul Cader: We meet on Fridays to have our Friday prayers because Muslims usually have their Friday prayers during noon at Mosque, but since we’re in school, we can’t do that so we have these little meetings. Usually a parent comes or someone gives a sermon.
Expressions: What is it like being Muslim at SLOHS?
Abdul Cader: It’s not easy, it’s very difficult. I’m the only one wearing some sort of hijab that I can see. I definitely feel singled out at times, and there’s people who say things because of the ignorance that can come from being at SLOHS.
Expressions: Have any students ever said or done anything that was outright offensive to you as a Muslim?
Abdul Cader: I was bullied a lot in at Laguna for wearing a hijab. I started wearing a hijab in middle school but then stopped in high school because I wanted to figure out who I am, but then I came to terms that I am Muslim. In the hallways at Laguna, people would slam their binders next to me and yell allahu akbar which they thought of as a joke but for me that’s my call to prayer, meaning “God is great,” that was hard.
Expressions: How could SLOHS be more accepting towards Muslims, or people of all religions?
Abdul Cader: You have to be accepting of people. Some people are really accepting but, some people think that Muslims are weird or strange or oriental, exotic rather. However there are millions of Muslims worldwide they’re not just from the Middle East. Neither of my parents are from the Middle East, but everyone thinks I’m Middle Eastern because I’m Muslim. There are millions of Chinese who are Muslims and because of that, they are being put at risk in China, it’s all over the world. Just talk to people and get to know their story.