Dungeons and Dragons is an epic roleplaying game that players can create and act out characters in. Players and dungeon/game master create unique fantasy worlds. It is very entertaining and it can be played with friends and family.
“[I play D&D] because it’s fun and my favorite part it it lets me play a unique story with my friends. My favorite race is elf and my favorite class is fighter,” said freshman Diego Freeman.
In Dungeons and Dragons, players make characters using a race and a class. Each race and class has different abilities and skills. The dungeon master will create a world and put the players in it. The Dungeon Master then directs his or her players throughout their world in a unique story made by the DM. There are also modules that DMs can run. Modules are premade stories with non-player characters (NPCs) in a premade world. The players, in either a DM-made world or module, will work as a team to complete tasks and quests given by NPCs.
Players need a set of seven dice, a player handbook, a character sheet, and most importantly, a group to play in. If there are no groups, make one.
“Yes, I do play D&D. I’ve been playing D&D for a few years now because it lets me unwind from a day and I can pretend to be in a magical world. I like that I can pretend to be someone else. My favorite race is half orc and I like fighters and barbarians because I get to hit things with a sword,” said freshman Coleman Howe.
D&D helps players to wind down from a day with their friends and battle it out with monsters, slay dragons, run cities, and more.